Happy Sunday Everyone!
Sorry for the lack of posts this past week; work is just taking over! I didn't hit up the yard sales or the flea market this weekend due to poor weather, but I was able to incorporate some of my finds from last week into my decor!
Remember the other
"mystery item" I told you that I got last week? Well it was a bookshelf that needed a fresh coat of paint and some new hardware. So I did just that and this is the final product!

You only see from the middle down because I don't have anything on the top shelf :). It's still a work in progress, so stay tuned...
Also, remember the
sepia toned picture of the Angel Oak I found at YS for $5.00? Well I went frame shopping yesterday and found one that worked just perfectly! Hung it in the bathroom and wha-la! Presto! We had instant artwork, and boy does it look great!

So that's all for decorating in the Hixson house... now it's off to get the house in order so we can put it on the market and find get a bigger place!